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Child American Casket Interiors

All our bespoke interiors are hand made to order.
A variety of styles available or ask for something unique.

All interior designs are copyright© Colourful Coffins Ltd 2018. All rights reserved.

Angel Wings

A beautiful dainty interior, available in any size including Adult. Made of soft polyester which can be printed in any colour underneath a delicate voile overlay which can also be printed with any image, including photos. Finished with toning colours on the edges and tiny Crystal Elements.

This example shows our delicate butterflies design in light blue or pink pillow and edging.

angel_wings Interior Detail

angel_wings Interior

angel_wings Interior Detail

Little Beauty

Buttoned and piped with contrasting colours, this interior can be detailed with either buttons or crystals, made in many different colours of your choice.

The Journey Bear comes as a companion in every child casket.

Little Beauty Interior Detail

Little Beauty Interior

Little Beauty Interior Detail

Teddy Bear

This simple but elegant interior can be made of any combination of colour soft fabric.

The distinctive pattern in the inside lid panel could be replaced with a bespoke picture of your choice.

Teddy Bear Interior Detail

Teddy Bear Interior

Teddy Bear Interior Detail

To see details of the rest, please click on them.

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